The Month's Events

The Joint Special Operations Association is an organization designed to bring together people with the common interest of supporting JSOC and the organizations that make up the JSOC enterprise, the unit members and their families.
The JSOA does not have paid employees. It is operated by a group of dedicated volunteers. We are a 501(c) 19, Tax Exempt Charitable Organization.

Donate to individual lines of effort or general fund. General fund donations will distributed evenly across the three lines of effort.
100% of all funds donated will go toward the fund. Donations to the JSOA are Tax-Deductible. Make a donation by clicking here.
Get Involved – We need help on our scholarship committee and fundraising committee.
If you’d like to
volunteer for either committee, contact us by clicking here
1) Memorialize the fallen
2) Provide Scholarships and Grants to family members of JSOC
3) Support JSOC family events such as the JSOC ball and triathlon.